Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A wonderful thank you!


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Aren’t these the cutest bowls?

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Seriously, the cutest ice cream bowls in the world. Right?

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And aren’t these the cutest ice cream spoons ever? That’s right, ICE CREAM spoons. They really DO exist!

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They were a gift from some of the girls at work. A thank you for bringing in ice cream for four weeks. Aren’t they so thoughtful?

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And isn’t this the cutest sundae you’ve ever seen?

Earl Grey ice cream with roasted cherries and a tiny drizzle of bittersweet hot fudge sauce.

Let me tell you, it was GOOOD. A wonderful thank you to myself.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What I wouldn’t give for a Diet Coke day!

Today my life has been like a Diet Pepsi which I am drinking right now because there was a conference at the church and all the Diet Coke was sold out.

Diet Coke is so vibrant, delicious, and bubbly. I don’t drink it often, so when I do it’s a special treat.

Diet Pepsi on the other hand tries to be like Diet Coke but your left with a disappointing after taste and it goes flat about 1/2 way through the can.

Yep. That describes my day perfectly. Disappointing and flat!