Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Current Gripe

I would like to take just a few minutes to complain about driver's in Columbus, Ohio.

Before today I was under the impression that most people who have an Ohio driver's license know how to handle a dead street light, aka when there is no power to a street light at an intersection and you are not given a red, green or yellow light and therefore no direction. 

Well, today I was proven wrong. 

I went through not one, but three dead street lights (with great fear of being hit by crazy driver's who apparently never read their driving manual) and I was less than compassionate for the selfish driver's of our roadway.

Now, I took a poll (of one person at work) who was able to give me the proper procedure.  And so I feel quite confidant that my knowledge of working traffic laws is completely accurate.

In this instance we must treat these intersections (even the intersections on Schrock road, which last time I checked was neither in Italy nor Chechnya) as four-way stops.

Now, help me out if I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure four-way stop does not mean traffic on the main road keeps going without stopping never allowing the side streets a right of way.  Also, I am quite certain it does not mean that when the main traffic stops it is time for every single car from Kroger to turn left onto the main road (that's right red minivan with an American flag on the back that gave me a dirty look when you pulled out in front of me when it was clearly my turn to go, I'm talking to you). 

I believe that the travesty of this situation is...

  • no one knows the rules of a four-way stop (I once read that because of this you should just go if the other cars aren't, great advice.  Note the sarcasm!)
  • and most people haven't taken a driver's test since they were seventeen and even then didn't REALLY read the manual
So, to all of you who have experienced a similar situation on America's roadways I say, I understand!  And if you are the chick who pulled out in front of me in the red minivan, I forgive you because God says I have to, but to be safe let's brush up on our traffic etiquette before we encounter any more hazardous driving situations, like say, winter in Ohio.


Unknown said...

A few things seem problematic to me here:

1. I question your polling methodology. One person? I bet I can guess who you spoke to...
2. NEVER expect anyone to actually read the driving manual. That would just be silly!

Hhmmm, have you considered the deeper significance of the situation? What was God trying to teach you in the context of broken stoplights? You almost hit on it in your first point, and I'm not being sarcastic. If driving is a metaphor for life, sometimes our signposts that are supposed to guide us along our way break down and malfunction.

Will you, as the driver, sit back, paralyzed in fear that inhibits any forward progression? We can't depend on outside-imposed directional signposts in our lives. They are unreliable at best and stifle creativity and self-choice at worst. Our path will not be that systematic or simplistic.

I know you like (as most of us do) to have a plan, work toward a goal, and know how to reach the desired outcome. But the inevitable times we feel directionless, we must choose to step on the gas, so to speak. Be bold, be courageous, assert yourself, take risks. Balance that with wisdom aka proceed with caution instead of flooring it. And always be sure to buckle your seatbelt. God's got us all on wild, exhilarating ride.
Wow, that was deep, no?

Kim said...

I'm not going to tell you who my source was, but it wasn't Joann. Guess again!

As for the rest, I think I need to come back and read it in small portions, it's a lot to chew and much deeper than my surface complaints.

Also, by seatbelt do you mean Holy Spirit? Or maybe he is the car.