Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dilemma

With my parents and brother in St. Louis visiting our cute little nephew its just me and my sister Beka this year on Christmas Day.

And the big decision to make after we've opened our presents to each other is...

what should we watch!

There are of course the old standby's:
A Christmas Story
Christmas Vacation
or my personal favorite, anything on the Hallmark Channel.

Or, perhaps we could go to the theater and see one of the new releases.

But none of these seemed to be the perfect choice on Christmas Day.

Our choice needed to have a little more action and adventure.  So when my sister suggested it I knew it was the perfect choice.  What was our perfect viewing choice you ask?

Star Wars!

That's right, we chose to spend our white Christmas with Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Darth Vader.
The perfect Christmas movie.  And we didn't stop with just one, no we watched the entire trilogy (the original three, not the recent imposter's).

So, from me and my sister-

a merry Christmas to all, and to all...may the force be with you.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

This sounds like something Lora and I would do. That is an awesome Christmas! :)