Thursday, August 18, 2011

What I wouldn’t give for a Diet Coke day!

Today my life has been like a Diet Pepsi which I am drinking right now because there was a conference at the church and all the Diet Coke was sold out.

Diet Coke is so vibrant, delicious, and bubbly. I don’t drink it often, so when I do it’s a special treat.

Diet Pepsi on the other hand tries to be like Diet Coke but your left with a disappointing after taste and it goes flat about 1/2 way through the can.

Yep. That describes my day perfectly. Disappointing and flat!


Twinside Out said...

This is hilarious! Well, not the disappointing day part. You know what I mean.

Mr. Iten would be horrified. :)

Here's to today being a much better day. It is Friday, after all!

Kim said...

I think he's be horrified at the thought of diet at all.

Anna said...

Too funny, as I am just enjoying a a diet coke with lime right now!

Kathy said...

Kim, I totally agree. Coke all the way!