Friday night I was so tired after a long day at work, dinner with Tina, and shopping. I fell into bed and promised I would not set my alarm, just wake up naturally. At 6:45 a.m. I woke up with the knowledge that I would not be returning to sleep. My cat was up, walking on top of me every so often to remind me that she needed fed, and it was just hot enough to keep me awake. Finally, I pulled myself from bed when my bladder would not stop complaining.
I had two conflicting thoughts. My friends were moving today, and I should help. But breakfast in bed while I listened to the birds sing and trees rustle in the gentle breeze sounded even better. I went downstairs, fed the cat, fed my rabbit, got a glass of water and walked back upstairs. I let the ideas simmer while I got online, checked my e-mail and read a magazine.
It was blissfully peaceful. Normally, I turn the t.v. on the moment I get downstairs, but this easy laid back morning was new and refreshing. I made breakfast and took it back upstairs, the whole time debating when I should hop in the shower in order to help with moving day. (Really Lord, do I have to? I’m just a girl, and not a strong one.)
Sitting in bed, eating Huevos Rancheros (so good!) I texted Asha for the address where moving day would start and prayed that God, if he really wanted me to go, would change my heart. Also, I secretly prayed that I would not be texted back, and wondered why I couldn’t be that girl who loves to help others and never wishes she could get out of the manual labor part. I then reminded myself that the girl I was thinking of was Amy Adams, in Enchanted, and she had a bunch of roaches, pigeons and sewer rats doing most of the work.
Asha texted me back. I knew I was going. She texted me her thanks. For sure, I knew I was going. As I sat and ate my food while excitement for the move, the exercise, the chance to hang out with my friends began to take over. I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day.
I arrived for the moving festivities at just the right time—despite hitting every red light, which I decided was God telling me there was no reason to rush. And got to work.
The men carried the heavy things, and the girls carried the reasonable things (I am not so much of a feminist that I need to try and prove I’m worthy of something just because I can carry heavy things. I can’t carry heavy things, I’m a girl!)
Chad, Mike and (superhero) Meg waited on the ramp while things were situated in the truck—and no, I did not just take pictures, I did move stuff. Like pillows and blankets. And books, I carried books too! They were heavy, my arms felt like jell-o, but in a good way.
Lora and Luke organized the truck, then unloaded the truck. Melissa organized the kitchen and found a place for each and every mug! (Believe me that was quite a feat.)
The move was successful. We relaxed for a minute while the guys went back for the heavy stuff. I was so glad God changed my heart (makes me tear up a bit now just thinking about it) and I know my friends were blessed by our work. I do regret not wearing my cowboy hat though, it would have looked super cute!
1 comment:
we were sooo blessed by your help! and I totally understand- moving is not fun- whether you are being moved or the mover..:)
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